I always knew my body was a powerful alchemist, and when given what she needs, she could heal and come back from anything!
I believed this in my heart from a young age, but I didn’t yet know how to fully interpret my symptoms as wise messages or what to do when they were speaking to me. All I could do was trust in my life path to show me the way and I am happy to say, it did!
This is my story…
I clearly remember being that teenager, sitting on the toilet and actually reading the warning insert in my new box of tampons. I shrieked in terror at the possibility of experiencing Toxic Shock Syndrome. My mother assured me I would be fine and that the company was required to warn everybody because it happens rarely. All I could think was —but why? Why did T.S.S. happen at all? Obviously this strange “female hygiene” practice was NOT 100% safe and that always seemed sketchy to me!
Another formative event came along when my period mysteriously vanished for a year during high school. We travelled to the city to see a special gynecologist. The doctor heard me say I had not been menstruating regularly and without further questioning, she gave a long speech on the virtues of birth control pills and how it was THE answer for my situation. She was extremely pushy.
Partly because this woman was so coercive, my gut told me that it was not an empowered choice. Plus, I was still wondering why nobody was exploring why my body wasn’t doing what it was supposed to do naturally. I chose to say no to this approach- the only one she offered! My moon cycle did return on its own, and I now see how the social stresses I was experiencing at that time had everything to do with my hormonal dysregulation.
Later in college, I found myself on medications - the dreaded birth control pill being one of them! This time, I was taking it to do its stated job of preventing pregnancy. It may have done that, however it also made me feel emotionally off, frequently anxious, and weepy. That same year, I signed up for a semester in Costa Rica to complete my field studies requirement in Bio-Cultural Anthropology. We were assessing different ecosystem preservation models and their impacts on culture and ecology. The experience took me into a deep relationship with earth magic. I got to experience and learn about wild forest ecology systems. I saw their intrinsic regenerative nature firsthand. When all systems within get to operate as they were designed, the drive to flourish is so strong. This was a potent moment for my renewed desire for my brain - body - womb ecosystem to work together in harmony. I ditched the pills cold turkey on that trip!
Further dives into self healing include long battles with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, recurring UTI’s for years, and most recently mold/mycotoxin illness. The IBS was so intense that I had to stop my work in wilderness therapy and move to Colorado to attend herbal medicine school in order to learn what I needed to know to heal. I know see that turn of events as great blessing to bring me toward my purpose. The UTI initiation is what caused me to become a vaginal microbiome specialist and create the V-School course to help others end their painful infection cycles naturally. You can learn about that program here. This topic has been a huge part of my mission and passion for the last 10 years.
My recent mold exposure has been another evolutionary catalyst for me and a reminder of the relationship between human health and the quality of the air we breath. The consequences of bad air go deep into all living systems. Among the many body tissues mold can cause problems for, I have observed a strong connection between mycotoxin exposure and cellular health of the urinary tract and bladder. It shows up as pain and susceptibility to infection. This is my current area of research. If you suspect this might be affecting you, please reach out for support.
The womb space holds a template for all we wish to create in our life. The better we can tune into the heart + womb fields the more we can access intuition, creativity and healing.
In gratitude for my teachers, the ones who guided, inspired and offered me their incredible knowledge and loving wisdom.
Paul Bergner, The North American School of Medical Herbalism. Clinical Herbalism Certification. 2004-2006.
Denise Townsend, Bach Flower Remedies Mentorship. 2006-2008.
Shelly Torgove, Apothecary Tinctura. Clinical & Community Herbalism. 2007-2008
Ann Drucker, Shamanic Herbalism & Mayan Womb Healing. 2008-2012.
Azra + Seren Bertrand, Womb Awakening 9-Month Mentorship. 2013.
Summer Bock, Probiotic Based Cleansing + The Fermentationist Certification. 2014.
Jessica Drummond, Women’s Health and Nutrition Coaching Certification, The Integrated Women’s Health Institute, 2015.
Keli Garza, Vaginal Steam Practitioner, Steamy Chick Institute. 2018.